The Library

Here, you can find important articles, literature, and works related to refractive surgery.

Research Articles

Risk for microbial keratitis: Comparative metaanalysis of contact lens wearers and post-laser in situ keratomileusis patients

Jordan Masters MD, Mehmet Kocak PhD, Aaron Waite MD

Three-Year Longitudinal Survey Comparing Visual Satisfaction with LASIK and Contact Lenses

Marianne O. Price PhD, David A. Price BS, Frank A. Bucci Jr. MD, Daniel S. Durrie MD, William I. Bond MD, Francis W. Price Jr. MD

Prevalence of laser vision correction in ophthalmologists who perform refractive surgery

Guy M. Kezirian MD MBA, Gregory D. Parkhurst MD, Jason P. Brinton MD, Richard A. Norden MD

Solving STODS—Surgical Temporary Ocular Discomfort Syndrome

Matthew Hirabayashi MD, Bradley Barnett MD PhD

Here, you can find important articles, literature, and works related to refractive surgery.

Magazine Articles

LOW MYOPES GET NEW OPTIONS: The EVO ICL deserves a place at the table.

Matt Hirabayashi MD, Greg Parkhurst MD


VISION CORRECTION: Introduction to Modern Refractive Surgery

Amazon - $19.99

Matt Hirabayashi MD, Taj Nasser MD, Greg Parkhurst MD